Witness Slip
What is a Witness Slip?
A Witness Slip is a filing of an individual's or organization's position on a particular bill and can be filed for any bill.
How do I file a Witness Slip?
To file a Witness Slip, you have to follow the following instructions:
1.) Go to http://my.ilga.gov
2.) Click on either House or Senate
3.) Click on committee hearings
4.) Select a time frame (I.e. Today, Week or Month)
5.) Look for the bill you want to create a Witness Slip for and click on the paper icon on the right
6.) Click "Create Witness Slip."
7.) Fill out the Witness Slip and provide information and click Submit!
Click here for a detailed guide on creating a Witness Slip!
A Witness Slip is a filing of an individual's or organization's position on a particular bill and can be filed for any bill.
How do I file a Witness Slip?
To file a Witness Slip, you have to follow the following instructions:
1.) Go to http://my.ilga.gov
2.) Click on either House or Senate
3.) Click on committee hearings
4.) Select a time frame (I.e. Today, Week or Month)
5.) Look for the bill you want to create a Witness Slip for and click on the paper icon on the right
6.) Click "Create Witness Slip."
7.) Fill out the Witness Slip and provide information and click Submit!
Click here for a detailed guide on creating a Witness Slip!